©LILIAN BOURGEAT / Dogo Onsenart 2014
  • 2014


    This three-dimensional sculptural interpretation of the ancient egret legend that recounts the origin of the hot springs appeared as a wall relief in Tsubaki no Yu. The unusual relief, resembling a child’s toy, jumped out from the wall in a wondrous way, presenting a unique imaginary interpretation edged with animals and plants not found in the original story.


    from Apr 10, 2014〜Jun 30,2017


    All day long



    Lilian Bourgeat

    Born in Saint Claude, France in 1970, and now residing in Dijon, Bourgeat graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Dijon) in 1994. While active with solo and group exhibits mostly in France and Europe, he has been teaching at his alma mater since 2008. In recent years, he has been active with projects in public spaces.
